Human Resources – Additional Information

Human Resources – Additional Information


Position management:

Define position profiles, identify members, and specify the skills, education, and experience required to fill those roles. Position information includes hierarchy, Employment Equity, budget, and salary grades.

Education and experience:

Quickly access information on education and previous work experience: school types, educational level, diploma, field of study, GPA, previous employers, position, dates, and salary.

Training courses:

Keep track of training related information including calendars, participants, instructors, costs, grades, etc.

Skills and competences:

Establish skills and competences relevant to your organization. Assign skills to employees and include pertinent information such as dates, rank, proficiency, expiry date, etc.

Licenses and permits:

Identify and track licenses and permits of different types. Assign them to employees and add dates, ID numbers, issue and expiry dates, etc.

Candidate search:

Quickly identify the right people for your project teams. Search for candidates (among active and/or inactive employees) for compliance with particular skills, competences, education, permits, licenses, seniority or other specified qualifications.

Employee evaluations:

Schedule evaluations, attach templates, and record details of performance reviews (status, date, score, etc.).

Grievances and actions:

Track and document grievances and disciplinary actions (warnings, docked overtime, leave without pay, etc.).


Consolidate information on awards issued or recognized by the company. Track history of recipients, and design compensation plans that reward your organization’s top performers.

Company asset tracking:

Maintain a comprehensive listing of company property (vehicles, keys, uniforms, tools, etc.) that can be borrowed or used by employees. Asset information can include photos, serial numbers, purchase dates, maintenance frequency, issue history and status (in/out/due date).

Health and safety:

Extensive accident and injury tracking record employee accidents and incidents, annotate with dates, comments and attachments. Register multiple events (e.g. medical appointment) related to each accident. Details can include date, lost time, cost, etc.

Custom fields:

Personalize your system by adding custom fields to any employee screen.


Generate Alert reports and view alerts (e.g. unreturned assets, expired licenses).

Historical views:

View history of pay raises and employment statuses; retain all information on terminated employees. Any information or transaction in the system is maintained on file until purged.


Attach files to company and employee screens (resumés, employee evaluations, accident and injury photos, copies of attestations, employment agreements, warnings, awards, etc.).

Flexible, compliant reporting:

Preview, customize, print, email or export a wide range of employee listings, metrics and government reports. VensureHR Select is also compatible with many third-party report writing utilities.


Improve the productivity and strategic focus of your HR department:

VensureHR Select HR allows your team to free up resources in order to focus on strategic issues by centralizing all employee records and actions and automating routine processes.

Build the best teams:

With VensureHR HR, quickly identify employees who match the criteria established for available positions or work teams.

Manage employees more effectively:

VensureHR’s HR puts interactive tools and a wide range of employee information into the hands of managers to help them make informed and consistent decisions.

Share information across modules:

VensureHR Select enables you to mine data easily and quickly across the different VensureHR Series modules. Reconcile information rapidly and effortlessly.

No more bulky employee files:

With VensureHR HR you can move away from paper-based processes and consolidate employee information in one convenient, accessible, and eco-friendly system.

Eliminate redundancy:

Full integration with the VensureHR payroll and project costing modules eliminates data redundancy and discrepancies, since all employee records, benefits, compensation, and costing information are stored in a common database.

Increase employee satisfaction:

VensureHR Select allows your HR team to respond more effectively to employee and management requests with detailed, intuitive views that allow you to quickly access the employee information you need.

Ensure privacy and confidentiality:

Define user access to information by company, employee groups and/or menu items.

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